Throwing Stuff on the Ground Since 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's - How Google helped me feel better

You know, today sorta sucked.. getting up.. not feeling too hot, my wife is visiting her family.... blah blah blah.. I know.. in the grand scheme of things not that much to complain about, however, I still felt el poopy this morning.. However, Google helped me get out of that funk.. I think I might go visit Google, Kansas this weekend!

Google Kansas

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Natural Dam in Pakistan

Interesting article about Hunza river in Pakistan which was recently completely blocked by a landslide. This created a natural dam and a lake which is still growing in size.
Check it out and some good pics at this NPR Site

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Throwing Abu Muqawama on the Ground (its a good thing in this context)

Great Blog which give information that the big news orgs wont, or dont care to, or are too stupid to realize because there is some dork in a runaway prius which might not be a runaway after all.. he may just really be (gasp) trying to garner attention.. .but I digress.. check it out!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

O Google Reader - I love thee

Check out this post from my google reader bloginator. Blood Waterfall

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Big Picture

I love this semi daily blog by the Boston Globe

Kirkuk - Iraqi Faultline?

Al Jazeera report on Kirkuk and the societal/cultural fault lines. Definetly a good view.

Fault Lines

Friday, February 26, 2010

Marketplace - Out of Date Buildings

Short program on Marketplace on NPR which highlights office buildings built in the 80s which are now out of date. Many lie dormant with their future up in the air. Are they completely out of date, is it worth trying to "green" up these buildings?